Fig. 9.


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Coronal emissions in Fe IX, the chromospheric network in Ly-α, and the photospheric LOS magnetic field. Left panel: SDO/AIA 171 Å image showing a strong bright feature north-east of the upflow region at [110″, −705″]. In the lower part between solar-X: 105 − 130″ and solar-Y: −728 to 745″ a weaker bright point is seen. The upflow region covers the eastern part of this bright point structure. Central panel: data from the HRILya showing that the region of the strongest upflow in the south-east is located on the chromospheric network. The upper part is located on the network boundary. Right panel: photospheric LOS magnetic field from SDO/HMI showing several smaller polarities within the upflow region, which is highlighted by the blue contour. In the lower part of the upflow, a positive polarity (red arrow) is seen with a smaller negative polarity (blue arrow). A black square indicates the region in which flux cancellation is measured for Fig. 11. The online movie 5 of the HMI LOS magnetogram shows the temporal evolution.

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