Open Access

Table 2.

Model fit parameters.

Groups Acore FWHMcore vcore Awing FWHMwing vwing ap bp ΔBIC
[×10−17] [×10−17] [×10−3] [×10−1]
Radio spectral shape
Peaked 12.2±0.9 486±48 18±11 2.7±0.8 1339±418 –237±102 –2.5±4.4 –1.1±2.1 –11
Non-peaked 13.8±0.9 521±46 21±14 4.7±16.0 1.2±1.2 5

Radio morphology
Compact 15.2±0.5 571±24 17±8 –0.6±2.3 1.2±1.3 10
Extended 6.9±0.5 597±59 3±19 –2.2±2.5 0.004±1.2 16

Central 1.4 GHz luminosity
Low luminosity 7.9±0.7 602±70 8±23 2.6±15.0 0.6±1.2 20
High luminosity 14.9±0.5 562±25 23±8 –1.7±2.5 0.7±1.2 1

BPT diagram
Low-ionisation 9.1±0.5 662±45 –5±16 –3.2±2.7 –0.5±1.2 17
High-ionisation 32.1±1.9 450±33 28±4 8.4±2.0 1219±143 0±26 –1.8±2.7 –0.7±1.4 –93

Optical luminosity
Low luminosity 4.4±0.5 582±88 –3±29 –2.1±2.5 –0.8±1.2 16
High luminosity 17.0±0.5 585±23 17±7 –0.6±2.3 1.8±1.4 –2

Eddington ratio
Low ratio 4.3±0.5 622±111 0±29 –3.8±10.0 –0.8±2.6 12
High ratio 14.5±0.5 548±33 6±9 0.6±10.0 1.6±1.3 2

Notes. Model fit parameters for the stacked [O III] spectra in the different groups. Acore/wing are the amplitudes in erg s−1 cm−2 Å−1. FWHMcore/wing are the full widths at half-maximum in km s−1. vcore/wing are the velocities of the components with respect to the systemic velocity in km s−1. All values are for the λ5007 Å line. ap and bp are coefficients of the linear polynomial. The model parameters are described in Sect. 2. ΔBIC is the information criteria difference between the double and single component model fits, that is BICdouble–BICsingle.

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