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Fig. 4.


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Computed mass of the unseen companion of the SB1s as a function of the inclination of the system using Eqs. (2) and (4), and using the spectroscopic estimate of the primary mass. The minimum inclination of each system is indicated by the horizontal line, with the associated error as dashed horizontal lines. The vertical line indicates the minimum mass of the unseen companions, with the associated error as dashed vertical lines. The orange shaded regions correspond to the possible values for the system inclinations and the masses of the unseen objects. The red dashed line corresponds to the uncertainty on the binary mass function, computed by propagating the 1σ errors on the other parameters. (a) HD 152200, (b) V* V946 Sco, (c) CD–41 11038, (d) CXOU J165241.3-415536, (e) CPD–41 7717.

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