Open Access

Table A.3

Transits of planet WASP-47d included in our global analysis.

source (+ band) UT date (of T0) N cadence (s) σphot (ppm) T0 (BJDTDB) σ(T0) (days) σ(T0) (s)
CHEOPS 2020-06-24 242 60 1050 2459025.11931 0.00054 47
K2 2014-11-21 741 60 347 2456982.97692 0.00043 37
K2 2014-11-25 754 60 342 2456987.13597 0.00008 7
K2 2014-11-29 821 60 357 2456991.29538 0.00008 7
K2 2014-12-03 732 60 342 2456995.45461 0.00022 19
K2 2014-12-08 740 60 349 2456999.61388 0.00009 8
K2 2014-12-12 833 60 348 2457003.77342 0.00008 7
K2 2014-12-16 739 60 352 2457007.93265 0.00008 7
K2 2014-12-20 709 60 354 2457012.09155 0.00043 37
K2 2014-12-24 709 60 362 2457016.25091 0.00008 7
K2 2014-12-28 828 60 354 2457020.40989 0.00008 7
K2 2015-01-02 449 60 361 2457024.56863 0.00037 32

Notes. The columns give the instrument name, the UT date closest to the transit center T0, the number of photometric data points, the average cadence of the light curve in seconds, the scatter of the residuals from our best-fit model in parts per million, the transit time T0 in the BJDTDB standard and its associated error, and the latter converted into seconds. The fitting procedure is described in detail in Section 3.1.

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