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Fig. 7.


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GCMF computed with magnitude-dependent completeness limits in Eq. (12), (light-blue filled histogram). Vertical bars show errors mainly due to uncertainty in mass. Top panel shows the low- and high-mass power-law fits (solid red lines) and the smoothed histogram data (green line). The middle panel presents different approaches to the mass function construction: single completeness limit with kpc (magenta crosses); local tidal mass (green triangles). The inset shows deviations from the smoothed data. Bottom panel presents a comparison with the literature CMFs: COCD-based for the Milky Way by Lamers et al. (2005, hatched histogram) and Piskunov et al. (2008, crosses); for LMC star clusters by Larsen (2009, open red histogram); for M83 by Fouesneau et al. (2012, open circles). The extragalactic CMFs are adjusted vertically for comparison. The dashed line shows the high-mass slope from the top panel.

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