Fig. 4.
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Radial distributions of tidal masses (top panel), radii (middle panel), and cluster counts (bottom panel). Filled and open circles in the upper two panels show clusters inside and outside the magnitude-dependent completeness limits described in Sect. 5.1, respectively. Bars are errors in the determination of the tidal parameters. Crosses are central (R ≤ 3 kpc) clusters before (blue) and after (magenta) the artificial decrease of 0.6 mag in their distance moduli is applied. Solid lines are theoretical relations for cases of a constant mass of mt = 2 × 104 M⊙ (upper line) and mt = 10 M⊙ (lower line). The red vertical line shows the Galactocentric radius of the Sun. Histograms in the bottom panel show raw counts for all clusters (background), ones within the single completeness limit (foreground), and those within magnitude-dependent completeness limits (in between). The red histogram shows the central clusters.
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