Open Access

Algorithm 2

Active region updates

1: for nregion = 1, 2,… N do
2:    for ttimestep = 1, 2,…, T do
3:       Localize (lat, long, i, ph).
4:       if Localize = 1 then
5:          Shift Squiet(λ) with velocity velX,Y. Squiet (λ) → Squiet (λ′).
6:          Do linear interpolation to project the spectrum back to the original wavelength space. Squiet(λ′) → Squiet(λ)
7:          Weight Squiet(λ) by limb-darkening intensity IX,Y
8:          Shift Sactive(λ) with velocity velX,Y. Sactive(λ) → Sactive (λ′).
9:          Do linear interpolation to project the spectrum back to the original wavelength space. Sactive(λ′) → Sactive (λ)
10:          Weight Sactive (λ) by limb-darkening intensity IX,Y
11:          Use Eqs. (1)(3) to calculate the difference of each effect
12:       end if
13:       Compute summation of ∆S′(X, Y) for each effect.
14:    end for
15: end for
16: for ttimestep = 1,2,…,T do
17:    for nregion = 1,2,…N do
18:       Use Eq. (4) to update final spectrum at tT.
19:       Lower the resolution of final spectrum at tT to match the HARPS-N observation.
20:    end for
21: end for

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