Fig. A.1

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Bisector of PHOENIX spectra. For each input seed spectrum using PHOENIX spectral library, we use five strong iron lines: FeI 5250.2084Å (green), FeI 5250.6453Å (cyan), FeI 5434.5232Å (purple), FeI 6173.3344Å (orange), and FeI 6301.5008Å (yellow) to measure the average bisector of the input spectra. Bisector outliers outside a window of 0.1Å around each line center are rejected to avoid those points, certainly affected by line blending, to bias our measurement of line bisector. Each line corresponds to a different spectral type and (from left to right) we can see the bisector of the spectrum used for the quiet photosphere, a spot region (663 K cooler) and a facula region (250 K hotter). We average those line bisectors at certain depth (as shown by the red dots) and fit the obtained data with a second order polynomial. The fitted bisector is used to remove the bisector of input seed spectrum.
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