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Fig. 12


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CB velocity as a function of spectral type. Top: data from Liebing et al. (2021) and cubic fit to them, giving as relation CBvel = 95.2388 × ((Teff − 4400)/1000)3 + 91.2791. We show with coloured stars the CB velocity value for different spectral types that we model in the paper. Bottom: bisector of the quiet photosphere measured from Löhner-Böttcher et al. (2019) at μ = 0.85 (thin lines) and the bisector of an active region measured from Cavallini et al. (1985a) at μ = 1.0 (thick lines) for different spectral types. We impose that the maximum difference between the quiet bisector at μ = 0.85 and μ = 0.2 (not shown here), happening at a depth of 0.58 is equal to the CB velocity given by the relation found in the top panel. We also force the difference between the quiet bisector at μ = 0.85 and the active bisectors, independent of their μ angle, to be equal to the same value at a depth of 0.58.

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