Open Access

Table 3.

Flux densities and map properties of the analysed sample.

Galaxy Ellipse a × b(a) SHBA σHBA SL-Band σLband
[arcmin2] [Jy] [μ Jy/Beam] [Jy] [μ Jy/Beam] [kpc] [kpc]
NGC 891 5.9 × 4.55 3.3±0.3 207 0.68±0.03 31 28.4 15.6
NGC 3432 4.35 × 2.2 0.30±0.03 165 0.086±0.004 22 14.4 8.5
NGC 4013 2.36 × 1.45 0.151±0.015 167 0.0381±0.0019 34 16.1 5.4
NGC 4157 4.25 × 2.08 1.01±0.10 196 0.180±0.009 35 34.8 21.7
NGC 4631 8.8 × 7.5 4.46±0.45 235 1.03±0.05 25 30.0 24.6

Notes. We list the integrated flux density measurements in HBA (SHBA and L band (SL-Band), based on the described aperture, accounting for background noise (σHBA & σL-Band) as well as calibration errors. Physical diameters, based on the 3σ contours in HBA, parallel () and orthogonal () to the galactic disk are also listed.


Ellipses are defined in Heesen et al. (2022b) and encompass the 3σ contours of the re-calibrated LoTSS map.

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