Table 1.
Fundamental information about the galaxies analysed in this work.
Galaxy | RA | Dec | Morph. Type | PA | Incl. | Distance | Diam. | vrot | Mbaryonic |
[H:M:S] | [D:M:S] | [°] | [°] | [Mpc] | [kpc] | [km s–1] | [M⊙] × 1010 | ||
NGC 891 | 02h22m33.41s | +42d20m56.9s | Sb | 22.0 | 90.0 | 9.1 | 25.1 | 212 | 8.63 |
NGC 3432 | 10h52m31.13s | +36d37m07.6s | SBm | 33.0 | 85.0 | 9.4 | 9.96 | 110 | 0.86 |
NGC 4013 | 11h58m31.380s | +43d56m47.70s | SABb | 58.6 | 88.0 | 16 | 16.1 | 182 | 4.99 |
NGC 4157 | 12h11m04.37s | +50d29m04.8s | SABb | 64.7 | 83.0 | 15.6 | 16.6 | 189 | 5.75 |
NGC 4631 | 12h42m08.01s | +32d32m29.4s | SBcd | 85.7 | 85.0 | 7.4 | 23.4 | 139 | 1.93 |
Notes. Celestial coordinates at epoch J2000.0 (a), morphological type (b), position angle (b), inclination (c), distance (d), diameter (based on 22 μm WISE map) (d), rotational velocity (c), and total baryon mass (e).
Taken from the NASA NED (
Taken from the HyperLeda Database (
Taken from Heesen et al. (2022b).
Taken from Wiegert et al. (2015).
Taken from Li et al. (2016).
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