Open Access

Table A.3

Priors for each parameter used in the juliet joint fit model for HD 191939 planetary system. Prior labels ℱ, 𝒰, 𝒩, ℬ, and 𝒥 represent fixed, uniform, normal, beta and Jeffrey's distributions, respectively. The parametrization for (p, b) using (r1, r2) (Espinoza 2018) and (q1, q2) quadratic limb darkening (Kipping 2013) are both explained in Section 3.3.

Parameter Planet b Planet c Planet d Planet e Planet g
P [d] 𝒩(8.8803, 0.0005) 𝒩(28.5795, 0.0005) 𝒩(38.3531, 0.0005) 𝒩(101.0, 2.0) 𝒩(300.0, 20.0)
t0(a) 𝒩(2443.5414, 0.005) 𝒩(2440.5455, 0.005) 𝒩(2433.9098, 0.005) 𝒩(2347.5, 2.0) 𝒩(2400.0, 50.0)
K [m s−1] 𝒰(0, 25) 𝒰(0, 25) 𝒰(0, 25) 𝒰(0, 25) 𝒰(0, 25)
ecc ℬ(1.52, 29) ℬ(1.52, 29) ℬ(1.52, 29) ℬ(1.52, 29) ℬ(1.52, 29)
ω (deg) 𝒰(−180, 180) 𝒰(−180, 180) 𝒰(−180, 180) 𝒰(−180, 180) 𝒰(−180, 180)
r1 𝒰(0, 1) 𝒰(0, 1) 𝒰(0, 1)
r2 𝒰(0, 1) 𝒰(0, 1) 𝒰(0, 1)

Model Parameters
Stellar density
ρ* [kg m−3] 𝒩 (1370, 150)
Photometry parameters
µTESS (ppm) 𝒩(0, 0.1)
σTESS (ppm) 𝒥(0.1, 1000)
q1, TESS 𝒰(0, 1)
q2, TESS 𝒰(0, 1)
RV parameters
Intercept γ [m s−1] ℱ(−300)
Slope [m s−1 d−1] 𝒰(−1, 1)
Curve [m s−1 d−2] 𝒰(−0.1, 0.1)
γAPF [m s−1] 𝒰(−10, 10)
σAPF [m s−1] 𝒥(0.1, 10)
γHIRES [m s−1] 𝒰(−10, 10)
σHIRES [m s−1] 𝒥(0.1, 10)
γCARMENES [m s−1] 𝒰(−10, 10)
σCARMENES [m s−1] 𝒥(0.1, 10)
γHARPS-N [m s−1] 𝒰(−10, 10)
σHARPS-N [m s−1] 𝒥(0.1, 10)

Notes. (a) Central time of transit (t0) units are ℬJD – 2 457 000.

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