Open Access

Table 3

Parameters and 1σ uncertainties for the juliet joint fit model for HD 191939 planetary system.

Parameter Planet b Planet c Planet d Planet e Planet g Planet f
P (days) 8.8803256(47) 28 579743 (45) 38.353037 (60) 101.12±0.13 >2200
t0(a) 2348.12±0.50
K (m s−1) 0.61±0.13 >36
ω (deg) 18±65 -

Derived parameters
p = Rp/R*
b = (a/R*)cos ip 0.440±0.050
a/R* >730
ip (deg)
tT (h)
Rp (R) 3.410±0.075 3.195±0.075 2.995±0.070
Mp (M) (b) 10.00±0.70 8.0±1.0 2.80±0.60 >112.2±4.0 >13.5±2.0 >660
ρp (g cm−3) 1.35±0.20 0.57±0.13
gp (m s−2) 3.1±0.7
ap (AU) 0.407±0.012 0.812±0.028 >3.2
Teq (K) (c) 880±20 600±13 540±11 390±8 278±6 <125
S (S) 100±7 21.0±1.4 14.3±1.0 3.9±0.3 0.99±0.08

Model parameters
Stellar density
ρ* (kg m−3)
Photometry parameters
µTESS (ppm) −26.2±1.0
σTESS (ppm)
RV parameters
Slope (m s−1 d−1)
Curve (m s−1 d−2)
γAPF (m s−1)
σAPF (m s−1)
γHIRES (m s−1)
σHIRES (m s−1)
γCARMENES (m s−1)
σCARMENES (m s−1)
γHARPS –N (m s−1)
σHARPS-N (m s−1)

Notes. Priors and description for each parameter are presented in Table A.3. The adopted stellar properties used to derive the planetary parameters are the ones from L22 in Table 1. The model to estimate planet f limits is explained in Sect. 3.4. (a)Central time of transit (t0) units are BJD – 2457 000. (b)The masses for planets e, g, and f are a lower limit (Mp sin ip) because they are only detected in the RV data. (c)Equilibrium temperatures were calculated assuming zero Bond albedo.

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