Open Access

Table 1

Energies (Ryd) of the Fe11+ target levels.

Level Present NIST
3s23p3 (4S3/2) 0.00000 0.00000
3s23p3 (2D3/2) 0.40263 0.37878
3s23p3 (2D5/2) 0.45306 0.41987
3s23p3 (2P1/2) 0.69492 0.67533
3s23p3 (2P3/2) 0.76360 0.73371
3s3p4 (4P5/2) 2.50856 2.50027
3s3p4 (4P3/2) 2.60464 2.58804
3s3p4 (4P1/2) 2.64741 2.62725
3s3p4 (2D3/2) 3.15386 3.09849
3s3p4 (2D5/2) 3.17338 3.11383
3s3p4 (2P3/2) 3.62904 3.55126
3s23p2 (3P)3d[2D3/2] 3.66496 3.60700(*)
3s3p4 (2S1/2) 3.81735 3.59149
3s23p2 (3P)3d[4F3/2] 3.98240 3.87900(*)
3s23p2 (3P) 3d [4F5/2] 4.01978 3.91400(*)
3s23p2(3P) 3d [4F7/2] 4.07562 3.96300(*)
3s23p2 (1D) 3d [2F5/2] 4.13111 4.02400(*)
3s23p2 (3P) 3d[4F9/2] 4.14556 4.02500(*)
3s23p2 (3P) 3d[4D1/2] 4.16288 4.08400(*)
3s23p2 (3P) 3d[4D7/2] 4.17007 4.09100(*)
3s23p2 (3P)3d[4D3/2] 4.17428 4.09400(*)
3s23p2 (3P)3d[4D5/2] 4.22135 4.13600(*)
3s23p2 (1D3d[2F7/2] 4.31886 4.22300(*)
3s23p2 (1D)3d[2G7/2] 4.65319 4.53600(*)
3s23p2 (1D)3d[2G9/2] 4.68255 4.5620
3s23p2 (3P) 3d[2P3/2] 4.68934 5.26475
3s23p2 (3P) 3d [4P5/2] 4.80711 4.67033
3s3p4 (2P1/2) 4.81032 4.68255
3s23p2 (3P)3d[4P3/2] 4.84786 4.70888
3s23p2 (3P) 3d [4P3/2] 4.87295 4.73649
3s23p2 (1S) 3d[2D3/2] 4.94216 4.79436
3s23p2 (1S) 3d[2D5/2] 5.05994 4.90298
3s23p2 (1D) 3d[2D3/2] 5.20151 5.04869
3s23p2 (1D) 3d[2D5/2] 5.20998 5.05398
3s23p2 (1D) 3d[2P1/2] 5.37359 5.18456
3s23p2 (1D) 3d[2S1/2] 5.42754 5.28198
3s23p2 (3P) 3d[2F5/2] 5.43864 5.25564
3s23p2 (1D) 3d[2P3/2] 5.46884 4.57274
3s23p2(3P) 3d[2F7/2] 5.48361 5.29610
3s23p2 (3P) 3d[2D5/2] 5.72296 5.50342
3s23p2 (3P) 3d[2D3/2] 5.74627 5.51754
3s23p2 (5S) 3d [6D1/2] 5.80010 5.70000(*)
3s23p2 (5S) 3d [6D3/2] 5.80293 5.70300(*)
3s23p2 (5S) 3d [6D5/2] 5.80742 5.70500(*)
3s23p2 (5S) 3d [6D7/2] 5.81368 5.71200(*)
3s23p2 (5S) 3d [6D9/2] 5.82275 5.72100(*)

Notes.(*) Present estimated.

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