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Fig. 1


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Present IC DR rate coefficients for the ground state of Fe11+, as a function of centre-of-mass collision energy in the range 0 to 70 eV. This energy region is dominated by the ∆n = 0 core dipole-excited resonances; (a) the solid green curve denotes our IC results where energy-averaged DR cross sections (× velocity) have been convoluted with the experimental merged-beam electron energy distribution, characterized by the electron temperatures kBT = 12.00 meV and kBT = 0.09 meV (and without the field ionization effects); (b) the solid blue curve with dots denotes the measured merged-beam recombination rate coefficient by Novotnỳ et al. (2012); (c) the solid orange curve denotes the previous calculations by Badnell (2006b), as given Fig. 2 of the paper by Novotnỳ et al. (2012); (d) the solid black curve differs from the solid green curve only now that we include field ionization effects; (e) the solid magenta curve represents our IC DR rate coefficients with the convolution describing the electron beam energy spread according to somewhat lower temperatures, kBT = 1.5 meV and kBT = 0.025 meV.

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