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Fig. 4


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Time evolution of relevant parameters for the clonal orbits of HO3 during the time interval (−5, 5) kyr. The left panels correspond to the case of purely gravitational perturbation plus Yarkovsky effect. The right panels correspond to the differences in parameters seen with and without considering the Yarkovsky effect. Panels show the evolution of the distance between HO3 and Earth (dEarth), resonance angle (λT), semi-major axis (a), eccentricity (e), and inclination (i) over time (order from top to bottom). The resonance angle (λT) is the difference between the mean longitude of the object and that of the Earth. The mean longitude of an object is given by λ = M + Ω + ω. The radius of the Earth’s Hill sphere, 0.0098 au, is plotted as a magenta line. The black thick curve displays the average evolution of 500 clonal orbits, and the red thin curves show the standard deviations in the values of these parameters at a given time.

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