Open Access

Table 7

Main key uncertainty reactions identified through sensitivity analyses.

Reaction Rate coefficients Fi(300 K) or F gi
N(2D) + CO → N(4S) + CO 1.9 × 10−12 1.6 300.0
N(2D) + C → N(4S) + C 3.0 200.0
C + N2 → CNN 1.8 100.0
k = 1.0 × 10−11 10.0 0.0
O(3P) + CNN → N2 + CO 1.0× 10−10 3.0 7.0
N+ + C → N(4S) + C+ 4.0 × 10−12 10.0 0.0
C+ + e → C 1.6 0.0
N(4S) + CNN → CN + N2 1.0× 10-10 3.0 7.0
3.0 0.0
C + H2 → 3CH2 2.0 100.0
3.0 100.0
CH4 + hv1CH2 + H2 Photodissociation 1.2

Notes. These reactions are the ones that appeared the most in our sensitivity analyses and thus contribute the most to the model uncertainties. T(z) is the atmospheric neutral temperature at altitude, z, and Te(z) is the electronic temperature; Fi(300 K) is the uncertainty factor at 300 K and its value is given in the corresponding column by non bold numbers, while F is the global uncertainty factor that is computed with Fi and gi but has a fixed value for photodissociations and reactions with ME. When F is given, the value is in bold.

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