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Fig. 2


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Very deep combined narrow-band interference filter images ([OIII] and Hα+[NII]) of PNe by our group. Orientation of all figures has north-east to top left. Left: PN Fe 6 (IPHASX J015624.9+652830). The 7.75 × 7.67 arcmin image was taken in southwest Spain with twin 0.15 m refractors (f/7.9), twin cooled QSI6120 CCD cameras, and Astrodon Hα, [OIII], and LRGB filters. Exposure time: [OIII] 23 × 30 min binning 2 × 2; Hα 27 × 30 min binning 2 × 2; L 21 × 5 min binning 1 × 1; R 24 × 5 min binning 1 × 1; G 29 × 5 min binning 1 × 1; B 25 × 5 min binning 1 × 1. Exposure time total: 41.4 h (Peter Goodhew). Centre: PN StDr 13. The 41.37 × 40.92 arcmin image was taken in Germany at Dachsternwarte with a 0.28 m Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with a Starizona Hyperstar 4 (f/1.9), a cooled ZWO ASI 1600MM CMOS camera, Baader Hα, [OIII], and Astronomik LRGB filters. Exposure time: [OIII] 40 × 10 min; Hα 40 × 10 min; LRGB 100 × 2 min per filter. Total exposure time: 27 h (Andreas Bringmann). Right: likely PN StDr 20. The 13.86 × 13.7 arcmin image was taken at Chilescope observatory with a 1 m Ritchey-Chretien telescope (f/8), a cooled FLI Proline 16803 CCD camera, forkmount, Hα, [OIII] filters. Exposure time: [OIII] 32 × 20 min; Hα 32 × 20 min; RGB 18 × 10 min per filter. Exposure time total: 24.4 h (Xavier Strottner, Marcel Drechsler).

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