Open Access

Table 2.

Encounter age with Galactic spiral arms and corresponding peculiar velocity.

HMXB Arm Encounter age vpec
[Myr] [km s−1]
IGR J00370+6122 Perseus −56 43
1A 0114+650 Scutum −99 47.9
X Per Local −3.4 10
XTE J0421+560 Scutum −96 29.4
1A 0535+262 Perseus −18 49.7
IGR J06074+2205 Scutum −81 22
IGR J08408−4503 Local −40 36
Vela X-1 Perseus −77 74
Local −28 47
2FGL J1019.0-5856 Sagittarius −10 42
Cen X-3 Sagittarius −1.9 78
1E 1145.1-6141 Local −35 81
Sagittarius −15 77
Perseus −80 71
GX 301-2 Perseus −83 43
Scutum −76 40
4U 1538-522 Perseus −4.4 81
Local −15 89
4U 1700-377 Perseus −92 77
Local −41 89.4
Sagittarius −31 82
IGR J17544−2619 Perseus −100 47.3
Scutum −54 49.8
IGR J18450−0435 Perseus −23 59
Local −57 59
Sagittarius −89 61
Scutum −17 62
SS 433 Sagittarius −20 – 0 32
4U 2206+543 Perseus −40 38.3

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