Open Access

Table 2

List of features used by SNGuess.

Name Type Description Source
tPredetect Time Time between final good upper limit and first detection Photometric
tLC Time Duration (time between first and most recent detection) Photometric
ndet Int Number of significant detections Photometric
peaked Bool Is the lc estimated to be declining? Photometric
pure Bool No significant nondetections after first detection Photometric
rising Bool Max brightness close to the most recent detection Photometric
norise Bool No (significant) detected rise Photometric
hasgaps Bool The light curve has a gap between detections of at least 30 days Photometric
mPeak Mag Magnitude at peak light (any band). Only calculated if peaked==True Photometric
mDet Mag Magnitude at first detection (any band) Photometric
mLast Mag Magnitude of the current (i.e. latest) detection (any band) Photometric
cPeak gr Color at peak (if peaked and with g and r) Photometric
cDet gr Color at detection (if with g + r) Photometric
cLast gr Color at last detection (if with g + r) Photometric
slopeRise g, r Mag/time g or r mag slope between detection and peak (none if norise) Photometric
slopeDecline g, r Mag/time g/r magnitude slope between peak and last detection (none unless peaked) Photometric
rb (med) Float Median Real Bogus (all detections) Photometric
drb (med) Float Median deep Real Bogus (if available, all detections) Photometric
distnr Pixel Distance to nearest astronomical source in reference image Metadata
magnr Mag Magnitude of nearest astronomical source in reference image Metadata
classtar Float Star/Galaxy classification score from SExtractor Metadata
sgscore1 Float Star/Galaxy score of closest astronomical source from PS1 catalog Metadata
distpsnr1 Arcsec Distance to closest astronomical source from PS1 catalog Metadata
sgscore2 Float Star/Galaxy score of next to closest astronomical source from PS1 catalog Metadata
distpsnr2 Arcsec Distance to next to closest astronomical source from PS1 catalog Metadata
neargaia Arcsec Distance to closest astronomical source from Gaia DR1 Metadata
maggaia Mag Gaia (g-band) magnitude of closest astronomical source from Gaia DR1 catalog Metadata

Notes. The features are separated into photometric (created based on the transient light curve provided in the alert) and metadata (created based on the properties contained in the ZTF alerts of nearby detections in the references and in astronomical catalogues). While most of the features are self-explanatory, their explicit definitions can be found in Appendix C.

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