Open Access

Table A.2

Stellar parameters for CPM pairs.

TIC ID Gaia DR2 ID 2MASS ID dist [pc] Grp [mag] R* [R] Teff [K] M* [M] SpT sep. [″]
142086812 5260759175761501696 06334337-7537482 8.840±0.002 8.26 0.425±0.013 3442±80 0.443±0.009 M3V 21.74
142086813 5260759175761502976 06334690-7537301 8.838±0.003 9.04 0.332±0.010 3330±82 0.338±0.006 M3.5V
149988104 5482312349304478976 06011889-6047092 20.292±0.020 11.19 0.286±0.009 3282±82 0.286±0.006 M3.5V 6.85
5482312418025591808 06011898-6047023 20.371±0.030 11.78 0.236±0.007 3194±81 0.232±0.005 M4V
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Notes. Some companion stars have no or incomplete Gaia/2MASS photometry. Therefore, stellar parameters cannot be determined.

(*)White Dwarf accompanying the eclipsing binary CM Draconis (TIC 199574208).

(**)Gaia parallax distance not reliable according to Lindegren conditions (cf. sec. 2.1). dphot ≈ 42.9 pc

(+)separation taken from WDS. All other separations are calculated using Gaia coordinates.

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