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Fig. 8


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Position of the linearly stable region for the resonance chain 1:1:2 in the plane (m3, δ). For every point in this plane the eigenvalues of the linearised system associated with the vector field F are computed, and the point is plotted only if all the real parts are negative. The co-orbital masses are m1 = m2 = 10−4 and the tidal parameters are those of the system 0 in Table 2. The position of the linearly stable region weakly depends on m1/m2 and on the tidal parameters. The colour gives n1/n3 and shows that the chain stabilises the dynamics far from the Keplerian resonance (for which n1/n3 = 2). The dashed yellow line plots the secular 1 : 1 resonance between ν and ν3, computed with Eqs. (42) and (33), respectively. For m3 > 18 (m1 + m2), the linearly stable region disappears, while for m3 < 0.29 (m1 + m2), two distinct linearly stable regions exist, whose widths tend to 0 with m3 (see Appendix F for a discussion of the impact of m3 on the dynamics).

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