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Fig. 6


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Diffusion index ζν as a function of δ and ξ0. The planetary masses are as in Table 1 and the chain is 1:1:2. The top of the figure, at ξ0 ≈ 60°, is the main branch. The blue-to-green regions are almost quasi-periodic (stable), while the red regions are chaotic (unstable). The secular resonances between the libration frequency ν and the precession frequency of the pericentres ν3, predicted by the analytical results (see Fig. 1), are visible, especially the resonance 1 : 1, which can lead to chaotic orbits for high enough values of the libration amplitude. The horseshoe-shaped orbits at the bottom are mostly chaotic, as expected, since m1 + m2 = 2 × 10−4 is close to the limit 3 × 10−4 of their existence (Leleu et al. 2015). The main branch around the 1:1 resonance between ν and ν3 is tidally attractive (see Fig. 7). Systems undergoing tides entering this zone can either converge towards the top of the figure or can become completely chaotic.

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