Fig. 2
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Position of the elliptic branches 1, 2, and 3 (see Table 1) of equilibria of Hamiltonian (25) in the resonance 1 : 1 : 2, for −2 ≤ δ ≤ 9. For each branch three curves appear, corresponding to for j = 1,2,3. The planetary masses are the same as in Table 1. A zoomed-in image close to the origin is shown in the inset. In this area, the analytical position of these equilibria, given by Eqs. (30) and (35), is plotted by a thin grey line. The agreement is good at low values of eccentricity, but quickly worsens further from the origin. In particular, the thin grey lines are straight since σj· does not depend on δ in Eq. (30). Branch 1 exists for all values of δ and has all colours from yellow to dark purple, while branch 3 only exists at δ > 5.997 and thus only has purple.
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