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Values of the eccentricities and fundamental frequencies given by the analytical results. Left: value of e1 at the fixed points of the resonance chain 1:1:2 as predicted by Eq. (35). Right: values of ν/η and ν3 along the main branch as a function of δ, for the same resonance chain, predicted by Eqs. (42) and (33). In both panels the planetary masses are (m1 + m2) /2 = m3 = 10−4 m0 and m2/m1 = 10. According to Eq. (32), e1 = e2, and for this choice of masses and resonance chain e3/e1 = 0.5471. In Table 1, which gathers the fixed points at second order in eccentricity, the three branches visible in the left plot are branches 1 (main branch), 2, and 6. The secular resonances between ν and ν3 are shown on the right, and are also easy to spot in Fig. 6.

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