Open Access

Table 3.

Percentage rate of extracted stellar parameters that agree with the model’s values within 1σ.

χ2 χ2 χ2
3σ 1σ ≤1 ≤28.87
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Rayleigh limit corresponding to 27 day light curve
M 63 76 49 69 76
Teff 73 83 37 16 64
log g 63 70 46 63 81
R 69 71 50 64 81
L 74 81 43 31 70
Age 71 77 57 61 84
Z 64 71 59 71 64

Total 68 75 49 54 74

Rayleigh limit corresponding to 108 day light curve
M (M) 71 77 49 47 74
Teff (K) 71 81 39 13 67
log g 69 67 43 46 79
R (R) 69 73 44 40 79
L (L) 74 81 43 16 67
Age (Myr) 74 79 46 40 71
Z 70 77 56 64 64

Total 71 76 48 38 72

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