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Fig. 1


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Geological context of the Chang’E-4 landing site, and the traverse route of the Yutu-2 rover within the first 17 lunar days of the operation on the Moon. (A) The Chang’E-4 landing site, located at 177.588°E, 45.457°S, is marked by the yellow star on the bottom of the Von Kármán crater. (B) The TiO2 map (Sato et al. 2017) shows that the ejecta rays of the Finsen crater extend to the Chang’E-4 landing site. (C) The DEM shows that the landing site is a linear geological feature, and the elevation variation from the northwest to southeast is higher than that from the northeast to southwest. (D) The Yutu-2 rover’s route traverses the Moon’s surface within the first 17 lunar days. The white curve shows the radar survey lines, and the white dots are the navigation points. The base image was obtained from LROC NAC (Image ID: M1311886645LE).

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