Open Access

Table 1.

Summary of results for the examples.

Case Area Px Mis Good mis Good mis Substr. Good px Good px
at 10% at 2% mis at 10% at 2%
ARES (300″)2 20482 242 210 106 6 91.7% 67.8%
HERA (227″)2 20482 65 58 31 3 94.2% 72.5%
CL0024 (600″)2 12 0002 19 17 13 0 99.1% 96.1%
CL0024 (detail) (200″)2 40002 19 17 13 0 96.3% 85.2%

Notes. Name of the cluster (1st column), the area covered on the sky (2nd column), total amount of pixels (px) (3rd column), number of multiple images (mis) within the total pixel area (4th column), number of multiple images with all ratios defined in Eqs. (24) smaller than 0.1 (5th column), number of multiple images with all ratios smaller than 0.02 (6th column), number of multiple images for which at least one ratio is larger than 0.5 being a possible hint for lensing substructure (7th column), total amount of pixels with all ratios below 0.1 (8th column), total amount of pixels with all ratios below 0.02 (9th column).

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