Open Access

Table B.4

The integrated line intensities of other molecules.

Classifications (1) Source name (2) (K km s−1) (3) (×1013cm−2) (4) ISiO (K km s−1) (5) NSiO (×1013cm−2) (6)
Maser-only G30.770−0.804 1.11±0.09 0.82±0.07
G37.043−0.035 1.23±0.12 0.22
G69.543−0.973 3.51±0.07 8.75±0.17
G174.205−0.069 1.18±0.09 0.77±0.06
Maser-RRL G23.389+0.185 0.53±0.05 0.45±0.04 1.36±0.25 0.24
G23.436−0.184 13.75±0.37 23.04±0.62 14.07±0.37 2.50
G23.965−0.110 2.48±0.08 3.37±0.11 7.53±0.25 1.30
G24.328+0.144 3.29±0.11 4.76±0.16
G24.528+0.337 3.97±0.08 2.18±0.04
G24.790+0.084 3.57±0.07 13.73±0.27 17.41±0.37 3.10
G28.147−0.004 2.27±0.17 1.55±0.12
G28.287−0.348 2.35±0.05 1.47±0.03
G28.393+0.085 8.39±0.07 10.85±0.09 9.28±0.22 1.70
G30.897+0.163 3.19±0.21 0.57
G31.579+0.076 3.83±0.25 0.68
G35.141−0.750 12.47±0.37 2.20
G49.466−0.408 58.82±0.62 61.49±0.65
G81.752+0.591 2.71±0.09 6.46±0.21
G81.871+0.779 1.98±0.08 3.75±0.15
RRL-only G24.546−0.245 1.43±0.08 1.42±0.08
G28.452+0.002 2.55±0.11 1.48±0.06
G49.028−0.217 1.01±0.07 0.82±0.06
G92.670+3.072 0.72±0.05 0.64±0.04

Notes. (1): Classification; (2): Source name; (3): The integrated line intensity of H2CO (taken from TMRT C band survey); (4): The column density of H2CO, which is derived as done for cyanopolyynes in Sect. 3.1; (5–6): The integrated line intensity and column density of SiO, taken from Csengeri et al. (2016).

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