Open Access

Table B.2

The HC5N (J = 3−2) and HC7N(J = 15−14) transitions detected with TMRT.

Molecule (1) Source Name (2) R.A. ( (3) DEC ( (4) VLSR (km s−1) (5) Δν (km s−1) (6) Tmb (mK) (7) rms (mK) (8) ∫ Tmbdv (K km s−1) (9) Classifications (10)
HC5N G20.234+0.085 18:27:44.56 −11:14:54.2 70.54±0.15 1.55±0.36 67 17 0.11 ±0.02 Maser-only
G23.436−0.184 18:34:39.21 −08:31:40.4 101.97±0.15 1.05±0.43 47 13 0.05±0.02 Maser-RRL
G24.328+0.144 18:35:08.15 −07:35:04.4 113.27±0.10 0.83±0.29 53 12 0.05±0.01 Maser-RRL
G24.790+0.084 18:36:12.45 −07:12:10.7 109.06±0.06 3.41±0.13 47 3 0.17±0.01 Maser-RRL
G28.393+0.085 18:42:50.49 −04:00:00.0 77.20±0.25 2.78±0.97 33 9 0.10±0.02 Maser-RRL
G30.770−0.804 18:50:21.51 −02:17:27.5 78.83±0.18 1.57±0.49 34 11 0.06±0.01 Maser-only
G30.810−0.050 18:47:46.97 −01:54:26.4 98.07±0.24 3.44±0.46 45 13 0.16±0.02 Maser-RRL
G30.897+0.163 18:47:08.77 −01:44:12.7 105.45±0.16 1.47±0.43 30 9 0.05±0.01 Maser-RRL
G35.141−0.750 18:58:06.14 01:37:07.5 34.97±0.17 1.19±0.49 60 19 0.08±0.02 Maser-RRL
G81.752+0.591 20:39:02.01 42:24:59.3 −3.48±0.18 2.77±0.40 79 19 0.23±0.03 Maser-RRL
G81.871+0.779 20:38:36.66 43:37:30.5 9.36±0.17 3.07±0.49 26 5 0.09±0.01 Maser-RRL
HC7N G24.790+0.084 18:36:12.45 −07:12:10.7 109.98±0.35 3.55±1.05 8 3 0.03±0.01 Maser-RRL

Notes. (1): Molecules species; (2): Source name; (3): Right ascension (J2000); (4): Declination(J2000); (5): LSR velocity; (6): FWHM; (7): Peak Tmb value; (8): The rms noise value; (9): Integrated line intensity; (10): Classifications.

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