Open Access

Table B.1

The HC3N (J = 2−1) transitions detected with the TMRT.

Source Name (1) R.A. ( (2) DEC ( (3) Vlsr (km s−1) (4) Δν (km s−1) (5) Tmb (mK) (6) rms (mK) (7) ∫ Tmbdv (K km s−1) (8) D (kpc) (9) Dgc (kpc) (10) Classifications (11)
G20.234+0.085 18:27:44.56 −11:14:54.2 71.03±0.08 3.49±0.24 80 8 0.30±0.02 4.41* 4.27 Maser-only
G23.271 − 0.256 18:34:36.22 −08:42:26.6 81.88±0.13 3.08±0.33 68 10 0.22±0.02 5.92 3.56 Maser-RRL
G23.389 + 0.185 18:33:14.36 −08:23:57.6 75.96±0.18 3.33±0.40 52 12 0.19±0.02 4.81 4.17 Maser-RRL
G23.436 − 0.184 18:34:39.21 −08:31:40.4 101.58±0.11 5.65±0.25 101 12 0.61 ±0.02 5.88 3.59 Maser-RRL
G23.484 + 0.097 18:33:44.05 −08:21:20.6 85.36±0.16 4.51 ±0.43 62 11 0.30±0.02 4.93* 4.10 Maser-only
G23.965 − 0.110 18:35:22.31 −08:01:28.0 73.06±0.34 6.03±0.80 65 21 0.42±0.05 5.07* 4.05 Maser-RRL
G24.328 + 0.144 18:35:08.15 −07:35:04.4 113.81±0.07 4.11±0.17 115 9 0.50±0.02 7.23* 3.35 Maser-RRL
G24.528 + 0.337 18:34:49.00 −07:19:05.9 107.36±0.20 3.59±0.50 57 13 0.22±0.03 6.00* 3.65 Maser-RRL
G24.546 − 0.245 18:36:55.92 −07:34:13.9 100.11±0.14 3.05±0.37 57 10 0.19±0.02 5.70* 3.77 RRL-only
G24.790 + 0.084 18:36:12.45 −07:12:10.7 110.29±0.02 3.79±0.04 186 4 0.75±0.01 6.67 3.48 Maser-RRL
G25.649 + 1.050 18:34:20.91 −05:59:42.5 43.19±0.18 4.08±0.57 57 12 0.25±0.03 3.80* 4.98 Maser-only
G25.709 + 0.044 18:38:03.17 −06:24:15.5 99.47±0.17 4.32±0.45 63 12 0.29±0.02 5.87* 3.81 Maser-RRL
G28.147 − 0.004 18:42:42.59 −04:15:35.0 99.42±0.20 3.25±0.41 38 10 0.13±0.02 6.33 3.92 Maser-RRL
G28.287 − 0.348 18:44:11.48 −04:17:32.1 49.11±0.19 3.52±0.50 48 11 0.18±0.02 4.52 4.66 Maser-RRL
G28.393 + 0.085 18:42:50.49 −04:00:00.0 79.06±0.04 3.68±0.09 133 6 0.52±0.01 4.33 4.78 Maser-RRL
G28.452 + 0.002 18:43:14.64 −03:59:07.9 98.84±0.12 0.88±0.22 43 10 0.04±0.01 8.17* 8.09 RRL-only
100.52±0.26 1.64±0.74 26 0.05±0.02
G28.817 + 0.365 18:42:37.35 −03:29:41.0 87.21 ±0.26 3.09±0.52 62 21 0.20±0.03 4.51* 4.70 Maser-only
G29.835 − 0.012 18:45:59.57 −02:45:04.4 100.46±0.10 0.76±0.18 76 20 0.06±0.02 7.64* 4.09 Maser-RRL
G30.770 − 0.804 18:50:21.51 −02:17:27.5 79.21±0.13 2.79±0.29 42 8 0.13±0.01 3.71* 5.29 Maser-only
G30.810 − 0.050 18:47:46.97 −01:54:26.4 64.02±0.43 7.97±1.12 24 8 0.20±0.03 3.12 5.68 Maser-RRL
98.61±0.04 5.67±0.11 204 1.23±0.02 118.42±0.26 6.72±0.6 39 0.28±0.02
G30.897 + 0.163 18:47:08.77 −01:44:12.7 106.17±0.19 2.94±0.37 56 14 0.17±0.02 7.07* 4.17 Maser-RRL
G31.579 + 0.076 18:48:41.94 −01:10:02.5 96.65±0.14 3.95±0.34 56 10 0.24±0.02 5.46 4.50 Maser-RRL
G35.141 − 0.750 18:58:06.14 01:37:07.5 34.59±0.11 5.54±0.25 82 9 0.48±0.02 2.21* 6.44 Maser-RRL
G35.194 − 1.725 19:01:42.33 01:13:32.3 43.19±0.21 3.42±0.42 41 10 0.15±0.02 2.43 6.30 Maser-RRL
G37.043 − 0.035 18:59:03.64 03:37:45.1 80.98±0.16 3.38±0.39 48 10 0.17±0.02 4.57* 5.25 Maser-only
G49.028 − 0.217 19:22:12.74 14:10:58.3 65.58±0.20 1.27±0.41 47 15 0.06±0.02 5.49* 6.13 RRL-only
G49.466 − 0.408 19:23:45.73 14:28:45.1 56.54±0.13 3.79±0.28 58 9 0.23±0.02 5.48* 6.18 Maser-RRL
G69.543 − 0.973 20:10:09.00 31:31:35.9 11.36±0.21 4.66±0.51 125 28 0.62±0.06 2.46 7.62 Maser-only
G75.770 + 0.344 20:21:41.73 37:26:02.5 −1.08±0.34 4.25±0.88 29 11 0.13±0.02 3.83 8.09 Maser-RRL
G81.752 + 0.591 20:39:02.01 42:24:59.3 −3.18±0.07 2.87±0.16 134 12 0.41 ±0.02 1.50 8.05 Maser-RRL
G81.871 + 0.779 20:38:36.66 43:37:30.5 10.26±0.04 3.56±0.11 103 5 0.39±0.01 1.30 8.04 Maser-RRL
G84.638 − 1.140 20:56:18.81 43:34:25.1 6.93±0.06 0.49±0.11 72 10 0.04±0.01 1.34* 8.08 RRL-only
8.37±0.06 0.45±0.14 46 0.02±0.01
G90.921 + 1.487 21:09:12.87 50:01:02.6 −67.82±0.11 0.75±0.20 65 20 0.05±0.02 5.85 10.09 Maser-only
G92.670 + 3.072 21:09:21.22 52:22:35.7 −5.32±0.13 3.02±0.28 52 9 0.17±0.01 1.63 8.36 RRL-only
G111.532 + 0.759 23:13:43.87 61:26:55.8 −55.7±0.13 5.05±0.30 97 13 0.52±0.03 2.69* 9.45 Maser-RRL
G174.205 − 0.069 05:30:49.01 33:47:46.7 −2.41±0.13 2.71±0.31 34 6 0.10±0.01 2.13* 10.24 Maser-only
G192.600 − 0.048 06:12:53.99 17:59:23.7 7.95±0.17 3.02±0.37 45 10 0.14±0.02 1.66 9.76 Maser-only
G208.824 − 19.256 05:35:24.29 −05:08:30.7 12.04±0.14 2.63±0.28 35 7 0.10±0.01 0.42* 8.10 RRL-only

Notes. (1): Source name; (2): Right ascension (J2000); (3): Declination(J2000); (4): LSR velocity; (5): Full width at half maximum (FWHM) ; (6): Peak Tmb value; (7): The rms noise value; (8): Integrated line intensity; (9): The heliocentric distance D is taken from the trigonometric parallax measurements (Reid et al. 2014, 2019). Others (with *) are obtained from the latest Parallax-based Distance Calculator V2; (10): The galactocentric distance DGC; (11): Classifications.

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