Open Access

Table B.7.

Log of the spectroscopic observations of SN 2021foa. The phases are relative to the V-band maximum epoch (MJD 59301.8). The spectra will be uploaded to the Weizmann Interactive Supernova Data Repository database at

Date MJD Phase Coverage Resolution Exposure Telescope + Instrument + Grism
(d) (Å) (Å) (s)
2021-03-17 59290.0 −12 3800-9000 14 - NOT+ALFOSC+gr4
2021-03-18 59291.0 −11 5000-9000 40 1200 Copernico+AFOSC+VPH6
2021-03-19 59292.1 −10 3700-8550 6.0 1800 NOT+ALFOSC+gr7/gr8
2021-03-22 59295.0 −7 3900-7100 14 1200 Copernico+AFOSC+VPH7
2021-03-26 59299.1 −3 3600-9650 14 900 NOT+ALFOSC+gr4
2021-04-06 59310.1 +8 3700-7100 6.5 1500 NOT+ALFOSC+gr7
2021-04-06 59310.9 +9 5000-9000 22 900 Copernico+AFOSC+VPH6
2021-04-09 59314.0 +12 3700-9000 18 900 NOT+ALFOSC+gr4
2021-04-14 59319.0 +17 3700-9000 14 1200 NOT+ALFOSC+gr4
2021-04-27 59331.9 +30 3650-9100 13 1500 NOT+ALFOSC+gr4
2021-05-05 59339.0 +37 6150-7750 2.9 1200 TNG+LRS+VHRR
2021-05-06 59340.0 +38 3600-10300 10 600 TNG+LRS+LRB/LRR
2021-05-12 59346.9 +45 4000-7550 3.4 1080 GTC+OSIRIS+R2000B/R2500R
2021-05-28 59362.9 +61 3800-9650 14 2400 NOT+ALFOSC+gr4
2021-06-05 59370.9 +69 3800-9650 14 3600 NOT+ALFOSC+gr4
2021-06-15 59380.9 +79 3700-7850 6.9 1800 GTC+OSIRIS+R1000B

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