Open Access

Table B.1.

Observational facilities and instrumentation used in the photometric follow-up of SN 2021foa.

Telescope Location Instrument Filters
Swift (0.3m) Space UVOT UV filters+UBV
ASAS-SN (0.14m) Texas “Leavitt" g
PROMPT (0.4m+0.6m) CTIO Apogee BVgriz
ATLAS (0.5m) Hawaii ACAM1 c, o
REM (0.6m) La Silla ROS2 griz
Schmidt (0.67m) Asiago Moravian uBVgri
Copernico (1.82m) Asiago AFOSC iz
LT (2.0m) La Palma IO:O uBVgriz
NOT (2.56m) La Palma ALFOSC uBVgriz

REM (0.5m) La Silla REMIR JH

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