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Fig. 1.


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Light curves of SN 2021foa. Left: UV, optical, and NIR light curves of SN 2021foa, covering 6 months of observations. The phases are relative to the V-band maximum. The pre-discovery detections are also reported. The discovery epoch is marked with a vertical line. Right: comparison of the r-band absolute light curves of SN 2021foa, AT 2016jbu, and SN 2009ip (R-band). The error bars include the uncertainties on the photometric measurements, the distance, and the reddening in quadrature. The vertical lines mark the significant phases: ‘Event A’, ‘Event B’, the ‘plateau’, and the ‘knee’. The ATLAS pre-discovery orange-band detections of SN 2021foa are also shown with square symbols to point out its Event A. The R-band absolute light curves of the Type IIn SN 1996al, the Type Ibn SN 2006jc, and the transitional IIn/Ibn SN 2005la are also plotted.

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