Open Access

Table 1.

Properties of active regions under study.

NOAA Flare Flare Analysis time window (UT) No. of
AR no. class location (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm–DD hh:mm) maps
11158 X2.2 S20W10 2011-02-14 19:59–15 02:59white (a) 17
11429 X5.4 N18E31 2012-03-06 18:59–07 02:23white (a) 26

12673 X2.2 S08W32 2017-09-06 02:59–06 12:47 (a) 22
X9.3 S09W34

Notes. Columns are: NOAA number, GOES SXR class of X-class flares that occurred during the analysis time window, and their respective on-disk location, followed by the number of vector magnetic field maps used.


No SDO/HMI data available between 6 September 06:00 UT and 08:48 UT.

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