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Table A.2.

Host galaxies changed from the SDSS-II SNS DR.

SN ID Galaxy in SN DR Galaxy this work Reason
1580 1237663783143473374 1237663783143473373 SPEC
2064 1237663457242186614 1237663457242186612 FAINT
4046 1237657191976534239 1237657191976534238 FAINT
4612 1237663783129580009 1237663783129580008 FAINT
7051 1237663784196767937 1237663784196767936 SPEC
8888 1237657191444316872 1237657191444316871 FAINT
11650 1237663784204501159 1237663784204501520 OTHER
12136 1237663783656161962 1237663783656161959 FAINT
13344 1237663543685546296 1237663543685546294 OTHER
13903 1237666408442298652 1237666408442298654 SPEC
15103 1237663542612656918 1237663542612656919 SPEC
15640 1237678617401098520 MISSING
16626 1237663783127613910 1237663783127613911 SPEC
18945 1237657189835866770 MISSING
20345 1237657191446741848 MISSING
20578 1237663479257170514 1237663479257170513 OTHER

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