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Fig. 4.


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SFR–M, O/H–M, and sSFR–M relations for our sample of galaxies. Star-forming (colored crosses) and composite (gray triangles) galaxies based on the BPT classification are represented in each diagram. The left and central panels correspond to Case A and Case B, respectively. We included the linear fit of the SFR–M relation for all the SF galaxies. The right panels correspond to Case C, with the aperture corrected. In the upper panel we include the linear fit of the SFR–M relation for all the SF galaxies considered in Case C (dashed red line), the fit from Case A (dotted green line), and the fit from Case B (dotted blue line). In the bottom-right panel, the sSFR–M relation, we also include a fourth relation (dotted red) that corresponds to an aperture-corrected SFR (Case C) normalized to the mass measured in the fiber spectrum (Case A). In the lower panels we show the difference between the linear fit in Case C and the linear fits of Case A (dotted green line) and Case B (dotted blue line).

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