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Fig. C.2


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Comparison of data to model orbits from the PT-MCMC posterior pdf. Left: RV data versus model comparison for HIP 113201AB. HARPS data points are plotted as cyan triangles. The best fit orbit to the direct imaging data, RV data, and both Hipparcos and Gaia proper motion anomalies is plotted as a solid black line; blue lines depict 100 random orbits taken from the final converged PT-MCMC posterior pdf. Right: Direct imaging data versus model comparison for HIP 113201AB. SPHERE data points are plotted as lavender triangles. The best fit orbit to the direct imaging data, RV data, and both Hipparcos and Gaia proper motion anomalies is plotted as a solid black line; blue lines depict 100 random orbits taken from the final converged PT-MCMC posterior pdf. The position of the primary is depicted with a black star symbol.

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