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Fig. 3


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Two typical examples of the Styx orbital evolution resulting in either instability (left panel) or the final configuration, which is significantly different from its current orbit (right panel). Left panel: initial conditions used are aCRP= 5, eC = 0.001, ΩCnC = 2, A = 10, and ΔtP = 600 s. Styx is ultimately ejected from the system when the system crosses the 4/1 MMR between Charon and Styx (not shown), resulting in a strong increase in Styx’s eccentricity. Right panel: initial conditions used are aCRP= 4, eC = 0.001, ΩCnC = 2, A = 10, and ΔtP = 6 s. The orbital eccentricity is excited, due to the crossing of the 4/1 and 7/2 MMRs (not shown), to attain the mean value ≃ 0.1, which is substantially larger than the current Styx eccentricity.

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