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Table 3

Transit timings of the light curves of this work.

Object Date Epoch Mid time k2 Δ BIC
(BJDTDB + 2 450 000) (ppm)
Kepler-94b June 22, 2020 1622 9023.5280 ± 0.0020 1640 ± 303 −30.4
Kepler-94b July 7, 2020 1630 9043.5861 ± 0.0082 1600 ± 700 − 4.6
Kepler-94b July 22, 2020 1634 9053.6326 ± 0.0027 1950 ± 582 −12.2

Kepler-63b May 12, 2020 421 8982.6183 ± 0.0030 −13.8
Kepler-63b Aug. 5, 2020 430 9067.5317 ± 0.0073 −13.2
Kepler-63b Oct. 29, 2020 439 9152.4359 ± 0.0034 −23.7

K2-100b Mar. 9, 2020 1062 8918.4082 ± 0.0080 520 ± 304 −1.5
K2-100b Mar. 14, 2020 1065 8923.4309 ± 0.0043 1150 ± 460 −6.6
K2-100b Dec. 11, 2020 1227 9194.6148 ± 0.0041 1206 ± 465 −6.1
K2-100b Jan. 16, 2021 1249 9231.4260 ± 0.0051 1007 ± 343 −8.2
K2-100b Jan. 21, 2021 1252 9236.4479 ± 0.0039 1014 ± 287 −12.5

K2-138c Nov. 27, 2019 302 8815.4105 ± 0.0032 1220 ± 430 −7.7
K2-138c Oct. 23, 2020 395 9146.4943 ± 0.0057 655 ± 271 −5.4
K2-138c Nov. 17, 2020 402 9171.4044 ± 0.0031 1065 ± 313 −9.5

Notes. Note the varying level of transit detection significance, indicated in the last column, Δ BIC, and described in the text. The epoch is given regarding the following literature ephemeris references: Kepler-94b Holczer et al. (2016); Kepler-63b Gajdoš et al. (2019); K2-100b Barragán et al. (2019); K2-138c Eq. (1) this work.

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