Fig. 2
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Integrated intensity maps of HCN 1–0 (upper left), CS 3–2 (upper right), CN 1–0 (bottom left) and CO 6–5 (bottom right) toward the Serpens Main star-forming region shown in contours and colors. The black triangles show the positions of protostars (see Table 1) and the blue crosses show the outflow positions selected for analysis (see Table 3). Solid lines show outflow directions from CO 6–5 (black; Yıldız et al. 2015) and CO 3–2 (blue; Dionatos et al. 2010). The center of the maps (0,0) corresponds to (α, δ) = 18h 29m49s.6, +01°15′20′′.5. Contour levels start at 20 σ (6 K km s−1), 10 σ (3 K km s−1), 7 σ (3.5 K km s−1), and 70 σ (14 K km s−1) with steps of10σ, 3σ, 3.5σ, and 50σ for HCN, CN, CS, and CO, respectively.
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