Open Access

Table 3

Details of the available mm–cm band data for the sample stars.

ID SIMBAD ID ALMA obs. frequency Other bands Refs β
(GHz) Array: (GHz)
A Alf CMa 94, 106, 144,156 196, 210 VLA: 33, 45; GBT: 90 11 1.8*
B Alf PsA 233, 344 9 2.07*
C Gam Vir A 233, 344 1 1.87*
D Gam Vir B 233, 344 1 1.87*
E Eta Crv 341 10
F Gam Lep 232, 345 1 1.87*
G Alf Cen A 98, 145, 233, 344, 405, 679 ATCA: 17 3, 4 1.763
H 61 Vir 341 2
I Alf Cen B 98, 145, 233, 344, 405, 679 ATCA: 17 3, 4 1.713
J Eps Eri 228 VLA: 6, 10, 15, 33; ATCA: 44 5, 6 7, 8
K GJ 2006 A 341
L Proxima Cen 233 12
S Sun 92–108, (190–206), 229–249, (339–355) VLA: 10; NoRH: 17, 34 13, 14

Notes. Columns 3 and 4: the frequencies at which significant stellar detections were made so far in mm–cm band. Column 5: references to publications that reported the data. Column 6: the ALMA band spectral index either derived from JVO images or reported in the literature. The spectral index β is given for stars for which reliable flux values are available for more than one frequency in 10–1000 GHz. β is not provided for the Sun because a single value cannot be defined for the solar mm–cm spectrum.

References. 1: White et al. (2020), 2: Marino et al. (2017a), 3: Liseau (2019), 4: Trigilio et al. (2018), 5: Rodríguez et al. (2019), 6: Bastian et al. (2018), 7: MacGregor et al. (2015), 8: Booth et al. (2017), 9: Su et al. (2016), 10: Marino et al. (2017b), 11: White et al. (2019), 12: MacGregor et al. (2018), 13: White et al. (2017b), 14: White (2004).

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