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Table B.1.
Image header content.
Parameter | Example value | Explanation |
BITPIX | 8 | Data type of original image |
NAXIS | 2 | Dimension of original image |
NAXIS1 | 2048 | Length of original image axis |
NAXIS2 | 4096 | Length of original image axis |
PCOUNT | 0 | Size of special data area |
GCOUNT | 1 | One data group (required keyword) |
RUN | 677729 | Run number |
OBSERVAT | LAPALMA | Name of observatory (IRAF style) |
OBJECT | intphas_5023 r | Title of observation |
LATITUDE | 28.761907 | Telescope latitude (degrees) |
LONGITUD | -17.877559 | Telescope longitude (degrees) |
HEIGHT | 2348 | [m] Height above sea level. |
SLATEL | LPO2.5 | Telescope name known to SLALIB |
TELESCOP | INT | 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope |
MJD-OBS | 55015.0452356 | Modified Julian Date at start of observation |
JD | 2455015.5452356 | Julian Date at start of observation |
PLATESCA | 6.856013 | [d/m] Platescale ( 24.68arcsec/mm) |
TELFOCUS | 0.043825 | Telescope focus (metres) |
AIRMASS | 1.021475 | Effective mean airmass |
TEMPTUBE | 13.508864 | Truss Temperature (degrees Celsius) |
INSTRUME | WFC | INT wide-field camera is in use. |
WFFPOS | 5 | Position-number of deployed filter |
WFFBAND | r | Waveband of filter |
WFFID | 214 | Unique identifier of filter |
SECPPIX | 0.333 | Arcseconds per pixel |
DETECTOR | WFC | Formal name of camera |
CCDSPEED | FAST | Readout speed |
CCDXBIN | 1 | Binning factor in x axis |
CCDYBIN | 1 | Binning factor in y axis |
CCDSUM | 1 1 | Binning factors (IRAF style) |
CCDTEMP | 151.959 | [K] Cryostat temperature |
NWINDOWS | 0 | Number of readout windows |
DATE-OBS | 2009-07-03T01:05:10.8 | Start time of the exposure [UTC] |
INHERIT | T | Extension inherits primary HDU. |
EXTNAME | extension1 | Extension name |
EXTVER | 1 | Extension version number |
IMAGEID | 1 | Image identification |
DASCHAN | 1 | Number of readout channel |
WINNO | 0 | Number of readout window |
CHIPNAME | A5506-4 | Name of detector chip. |
CCDNAME | A5506-4 | Name of detector chip. |
CCDCHIP | A5506-4 | Name of detector chip. |
CCDTYPE | EEV42-80 | Type of detector chip. |
CCDXPIXE | 0.00001350 | [m] Size of pixels in x. |
CCDYPIXE | 0.00001350 | [m] Size of pixels in y. |
AMPNAME | LH | Name of output amplifier. |
GAIN | 2.80000000 | Nominal Photo-electrons per ADU. |
READNOIS | 6.40000000 | Nominal Readout noise in electrons. |
SATURATE | 64276.0 | Highest value that is unsaturated |
BIASSEC | [11:50,3:4098] | Bias pixels. |
TRIMSEC | [51:2098,3:4098] | Illuminated pixels. |
RTDATSEC | [2062:4215,13:4212] | Location in d-space for RTD. |
RADESYS | ICRS | WCS calibrated against Gaia-DR2 |
EQUINOX | 2000.0 | Equinox of the astrometry |
CTYPE1 | RA ZPN | Algorithm type for axis 1 |
CTYPE2 | DECZPN | Algorithm type for axis 2 |
CRUNIT1 | deg | Unit of right ascension coordinates |
CRUNIT2 | deg | Unit of declination coordinates |
PV2_1 | 1.0 | Coefficient for r term |
PV2_2 | 0.0 | Coefficient for r**2 term |
PV2_3 | 213.741679 | Coefficient for r**3 term |
PV2_5 | 0.0 | Coefficient for r**5 term |
CRVAL1 | 292.931917 | [deg] Right ascension at the reference pixel |
CRVAL2 | 28.6651568 | [deg] Declination at the reference pixel |
CRPIX1 | -329.738223 | [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 1 |
CRPIX2 | 2945.36999 | [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 2 |
CD1_1 | -1.3972E-06 | Transformation matrix element |
CD1_2 | -9.2449E-05 | Transformation matrix element |
CD2_1 | -9.2444E-05 | Transformation matrix element |
CD2_2 | 1.3945E-06 | Transformation matrix element |
STDCRMS | 0.02526049569007405 | Astrometric fit error (arcsec) |
MOONDIST | 81.0 | Distance to the moon in degrees |
MOONALT | 18.29999923706055 | Altitude of the moon above the horizon |
MOONPHAS | 83.40000152587891 | Phase of the moon |
SKYLEVEL | 252.99 | Sky level |
SKYNOISE | 10.96000003814697 | Sky noise |
PERCORR | -0.005 | Sky calibration correction (mags) |
MAGZPT | 24.47 | Uncorrected nightly ZP (per second) |
MAGZRR | 0.02 | Photometric ZP error (mags) |
EXTINCT | 0.09 | Extinction coefficient (mags) |
PHOTZP | 28.2187 | mag(Vega) = -2.5*log(pixel value) + PHOTZP |
PHOTZPER | 0.03 | Default 1-sigma PHOTZP uncertainty in IGAPS |
PHOTSYS | Vega | Photometric system |
FLUXCAL | IGAPS-UNIFORM | Identifies the origin of PHOTZP |
SEEING | 0.753579 | Average FWHM (arcsec) |
ELLIPTIC | 0.1319999992847443 | Average ellipticity |
EXPTIME | 30.07 | [sec] Exposure time adopted |
CONFMAP | iphas_jul2009 | r_conf.fits Confidence map |
CHECKSUM | ZfA6ad53VdA3Zd53 | HDU checksum updated 2020-02-11T11:35:56 |
DATASUM | 1159687462 | data unit checksum updated 2020-02-11T11:35:56 |
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