Fig. 8.
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Mean SED of Sgr A⋆ during the flare as in Fig. 4, including the best-fit synchrotron models. The black dashed line shows the best-fit PLCool model (synchrotron with cooling break model with no high-energy cutoff). This model is ruled out because it cannot fit the difference in X-ray vs. IR spectral slopes due to the X-ray vs. IR flux ratio. The dashed-dotted black lines shows the best fit PLCoolγmaxsharp model (synchrotron with cooling break plus a sharp γmax cutoff). The line cuts off too sharply in the X-ray and fails to reproduce the high-energy NuSTAR data. The dark red line shows the best-fit PLCoolγmax model (synchrotron with cooling break plus an exponential high energy cutoff). For this model, the SSC component, which peaks at ν ∼ 1023 Hz, is also computed (not shown here, see Fig. A.1).
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