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Table 2.

Definitions of the galaxy samples in the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.16, as used in this study.

Sample Survey rlim Ngal
9.3 𝒜1 GAMA 19.8 32 401

10.4 ℬ1 GAMA 19.8 10 706
ℬ2 GAMA 17.8 5907

10.8 𝒞1 GAMA 19.8 3811
𝒞2 GAMA 18.8 3752
𝒞3 GAMA 17.8 3367
𝒞4 SDSS 17.8 22 772
𝒞5 SDSS 16.8 11 346

Notes. The columns represent the stellar mass cut, sample label, survey of origin, flux limit, and number of galaxies.

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