Fig. 6.
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Projected 2pCFs ωp(rp) for samples ℬ1 and ℬ2 (filled markers; left panel) and the ratio Mℬ2/Mℬ1 between MCFs obtained for these two samples (unfilled markers; right panel). The different symbols in the right panel represent the ratio between different MCFs measured with corresponding galaxy property chosen as a mark. Small offsets along x-axis have been added for clarity. The error bars for ωp(rp) are obtained from jackknife resampling method. The inset in the left panel shows the power-law fit parameters (filled stars) and their 1σ, 2σ, and 3σ error contours (solid, dashed, and dotted, respectively). In the right panel, the errors are calculated in quadrature.
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