Open Access

Table 1

Atomic energy levels of hydrogen (in cm−1).

Level Coulomb /DKH Coulomb/DKH/mass Experimental
1s 0 0 0
2s 82 303.923 82 259.124 82 258.954
2p3∕2 82 259.285
2p1∕2 82 258.917
2p 82 304.240 82 259.440 82 259.163
3s 97 545.453 97 492.357 97 492.222
3p 97 545.607 97 492.511 97 492.293
3d 97 545.773 97 492.678 97 492.341
4s 102 880.238 102 824.234 102 823.853
4p 102 880.304 102 824.304 102 823.882
4d 102 880.366 102 824.368 102 823.903
4f 102 880.882 102 824.881 102 823.914

Notes. Columns are: theoretical levels including the DKH contribution (second column), theoretical levels with DKH contributionand finite proton mass correction (third column), experimental values (fourth column) taken from Kramida et al. (2020). Experimental values generally indicate the weighted average over the spin-orbit components, except for the 2p level,for which fine structure is explicitely detailed.

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