Table 2.
Comparison of the modelled open and total magnetic fluxes to observations and independent reconstructions, quantified through their relative differences in means (in %) and reduced χ2 values (listed in brackets).
Input | ISN |
Model version | Old | New | Old | New |
Ftotal | −7.7 (0.037) | −9.9 (0.058) | −4.1 (0.037) | 0.8 (0.058) |
Fopen, L14 | −2.2 (0.297) | 0.4 (0.176) | −4.6 (0.389) | −1.6 (0.219) |
Fopen, Wu18b ( * ) | −15.1 (1.718) | 6.1 (0.630) | −48.5 (1.674) | −9.6 (0.230) |
Fopen, O17 | −15.4 (0.655) | 3.8 (0.236) | −3.5 (0.495) | 5.8 (0.252) |
Notes. The top part of the table lists the data sets that were used for parameter fitting (the average of the total magnetic flux measurements and the open flux reconstruction by Lockwood et al. 2014), while the bottom part lists independent data sets that were not used for the optimisation (OF reconstruction from 14C data by Wu et al. 2018b and the in situ measurements by Owens et al. 2017). ( * )For decadally-averaged reconstructions. As 14C data that were used for the reconstruction by Wu et al. (2018b) are decadal averages, only decadally-averaged values of the OF could be reconstructed. Thus, to compute the corresponding χ2 values, our reconstructions were also re-sampled.
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