Table 1

Well-defined complete HCS crossings in encounters 1, 4, and 5.

Orbit Start time(a) Crossing |Vn |(c) Width(d) Width(e) PSP to X- B shear(g) VR Current sheet lmn B closed/ Distance
(UT) dur(b)(s) (km s−1) (km) (di) line(f) (deg.) jet(h) coord in RTN(i) discon(j) to Sun(k)
(RS) (RS)
1 2018-11-13/16:19:00 1150 120 136 900 8220 0.98 168 + [0.82, −0.36, 0.44] [0.18, −0.58, −0.80] [0.54, 0.74, −0.41] discon 62.9

1 2018-11-23/18:27:46 640 250 157 300 4820 1.1 168 + [0.64, −0.68, 0.36] [−0.07, 0.41, 0.91] [0.76, 0.61, −0.21] discon 107.2

4 2020-01-20/03:57:38 217 116 25 240 890 0.18 162 [0.80, −0.55, −0.22] [0.51, 0.83, −0.23] [0.31, 0.07, 0.95] closed 72.5

4 2020-02-01/04:03:46 290 42 12 300 1320 0.09 167 [0.89, −0.42, 0.17] [−0.45, −0.86, 0.24] [0.05, −0.29, −0.96] closed 36.5

5 2020-06-08/11:05:56 26 67 1740 240 0.012 171 + [0.85, −0.45, 0.27] [−0.24, −0.79, −0.56] [0.47, 0.41, −0.78] discon 29.5

5 2020-06-08/15:40:45 1145 66 75 300 9770 N/A 144 none [0.82, 0.50, −0.27] [0.53, 0.84, 0.05] [0.21, −0.19, 0.96] closed? 30.1

Notes. (a) Crossing time of leading edge of HCS. (b)Duration of HCS crossing. (c)Average normal (n) velocity measured at the two edges of the HCS, representing the current sheet normal motion relative to PSP. (d) Width of HCS, obtained from crossing duration and normal velocity. (e)Width of HCS, in ion inertial length based on the average density measured at the two edges of the HCS. (f) Estimated distance from PSP to the reconnection X-line, based on the HCS half-width and 0.1 reconnection rate assumption. (g) Magnetic field rotation angle across the HCS. (h)Radial velocity in HCS: Enhanced (+), reduced (-), or no jet (none) relative to external solar wind flow. (i) Current sheet (lmn) coordinate system obtained from the minimum variance analysis of the magnetic field. (j) Closed or disconnected magnetic field signatures based on counterstreaming or dropout of strahl electron fluxes, respectively. (k) HCS crossing distance from the Sun.

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