Fig. 5


Field magnitude and clock angle statistics as a function of radius. In each panel, the faint background shows statistics of one hour intervals, the larger, darker scatter points show statistics of one-day intervals, and the squares depict the statistics within radial bins of width 0.05 AU. The gold and the magenta square depict the STA and Wind results, respectively. Left-hand column: pertains to |B|R2 (the field magnitude) and right-hand column: to α (clock angle). Top row: measured large-scale structure and shows the most probable values. In yellow, we have the expectation of a Parker spiral model.Middle row: dimensionless standard deviations and a black line shows a least squares fitted linear trend, which describes the radial evolution of vector fluctuations. Bottom row: skew, defined as the ratio (mean-mode)/standard deviation, which describes the extent to which individual distributions are evenly distributed. For the angular quantities, the red and blue colours describe anti-sunward and sunward sectors, respectively.

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